The Core Values Programs for Business, Groups, and Teams

Amy facilitates a leadership workshop.


Does your group or team ever experience overwhelm, burnout, or lack of focus? If so, a Core Values workshop can offer a positive reset, recharge, and reconnection. Perfect for a corporate or team retreat.

Our Core Values Programs are based on a purposeful inquiry-based process that allows each member to gain personal insight and self-awareness. At the same time, each member will listen to others in their group while participating in this shared experience. Once individuals have a clearer sense of who they are and what matters to them, they will more successfully connect to themselves, each other, and the work at hand.

Our workshops run two, four, or six hours and can be held on the same day or different dates.

Participants who’ve completed the Core Values Program have called it “thought-provoking,” “empowering,” “grounding,” and “fun.”

You can learn more by clicking the link below to email amy@amyjohnsonco.

Our Participants Say